A standard shopping cart becomes a “smart cart” when it is integrated with certain pieces of technology. These elements bolster the shopping experience and typically include digital screens, scanners, sensors, scales, card readers, and more.

Smart carts can support business profiles of all sizes. If customers regularly use shopping carts in your store(s), smart carts can make their experience better and improve your bottom line.

Smart carts have many advantages, both for the consumer and the retailer. For the consumer, primary advantages include avoiding the check-out line, incentivized and discounted shopping, stored lists and profiles, and interactive product information. For the retailer, main advantages include reduced labor costs, higher volumes in carts, behavior tracking, and new advertising revenue streams.

Smart shopping carts use integrated technologies such as artificial intelligence, weight sensors, RFID tags, and cameras to recognize and monitor any products in the cart.

When a previously-scanned item is removed from the cart, the integrated sensors immediately detect it and that specific item is displayed on the screen. The customer is then prompted to scan the item that is no longer in the cart, which officially removes it from the cart inventory.

If a customer wants live help, a call button will prompt a store employee for an in-person visit. The built-in WiFi allows each cart to be precisely identified and located within the store’s physical footprint.

With the exception of illegal items and products that reach or exceed the physical size and weight limits of the cart, there are no restrictions on what can be purchased with a smart cart. In cases that require age verification, such as alcohol or tobacco sales, the checkout process will be not finalized until a store representative verifies identification and formally approves the transaction.

The lights on a Drovver cart indicate the status of the shopping session. A yellow light indicates a current shopping session. A red light indicates a cart that has requested personal assistance. A green light indicates a completed checkout process where payment has been finalized.

Smart carts offer all standard payment methods including credit card, debit cards, mobile payments, peer-to-peer apps, digital wallets, and even cash.

Drovver receipts are always emailed to the user if a loyalty card is used. Otherwise, customers can enter an email address to receive a printable receipt or visit a register and scan a related QR code.   

Drovver pricing varies on the quantity and style of carts commissioned. Our pricing is extremely competitive, and we invite you to tell us more about your requirements.