How Drovver Works

Drovver is a smart shopping cart that lets consumers check out while they shop, eliminating the check-out line. The experience is appealing, organized, and secure. The functionality is fully integrated, and the old process of cart shopping becomes practically obsolete.

Drovver carts also provide a number of enormous benefits for stores. These include a faster shopping experience, higher shopping volumes, fewer employees, targeted product sales, enhanced advertising revenues, improved loss prevention, customer behavior analytics, increased supplier satisfaction, and many more. Drovver increases revenue, reduces costs, and supports every stakeholder in an operation.

Drovver consists of a metal or plastic shopping cart that houses a set of integrated electronic devices. The devices are ergonomically designed and intuitively installed on the cart. The hardware profile includes multiple cameras and scanners, an electronic scale, a 10-inch touchscreen, and an embedded contactless payment system.

At the heart of Drovver is an innovative, custom-designed software suite that communicates with the store’s POS system. The carts constantly send and receive information about store products and prepare them for checkout. Drovver can effectively manage and monitor customer behavior, allowing for adding/removing multiple items while intelligently suggesting complimentary or promotional products based on current and past selections. The system can be installed on a variety of cart types and can be matched to any existing cart inventory.